1·Related organs shall report the situations of handling to the Standing Committee within a fixed time limit limit.
2·You can progress. But there is a limit. There definitely is a limit.
3·While mineral deficiencies can limit the growth of plants, an overabundance of certain minerals can be toxic and can also limit growth.
4·Limit: In this configuration, the limit for database Shared memory is 2gb, or 8 segments.
5·Limit: Only limit may be your time.
6·If you keep everything in your head, you will limit your creativity, and in the long run limit your growth.
7·If we limit the signers we trust on the server, we can limit who can even complete that SSL handshake.
8·After all, they say, there is no limit to the size of the site, and no limit to the information that people may want.
9·There are two ways that an administrator can configure the feature: limit reservations by a particular number of days into the future, or limit reservations by a specific date.
10·The mapping works fine, in that it does limit the pool size to 5, but it doesn't limit that number of active instances to 5.
这种映射能够工作得很好,因为它的确将池大小限制在 5 之内,同时又没有将活动实例的数目限制为 5。